Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A Revelation

Good morning, reader-folk!

So, the other day I had a very minor epiphany:
Without a game group, I don't have much to write about.

Kind of a no-brainer, but it makes sense to me.

As such, I think I will be putting this blog on an extended hiatus until I have something to actually report again.

I don't have any new games to review right now.
I have less time to work on homebrew right now.
I don't have a group to report on right now.

So, I will stop writing on the blog for a while.
I will still be working on my various projects and keeping them up-to-date with anything that comes to my attention.

I'm also going to try to work more on my novels and games.
Because they have been neglected for a while.

So, this isn't so much a "good-bye" as a "see you in a while."

Hope that everyone has some great adventures while I'm away.
Until next time, may the dice fall in your favor :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Chronicles Pre-Alpha Test, Session 1

Greetings everyone!

As I stated previously, I will be posting the test-play of my personal game system here.
So far, we only have one session.
Additionally, the players are the sort that do what they want, when they want.
Which, for testing purposes, makes things all for the better :)
Things will be a little childish.

I won't be putting up any of the rules in this post necessarily, but I will clarify if anyone has any questions.
Both players are human. Their skills, perks, and archetypes... I currently don't remember (and also might end up confusing the narrative a little).
I'm also continuing to work on a playtest document for Chronicles so that you, in the comfort of your own home, can help me develop this game :)

Without further ado...


The scene opened on the town of Riverwatch in the early hours of the morning.
Demigod, a mugger with a penchant for magic, saw what he thought would be an easy mark:
Sparky, a wandering tinker and priest, whose packs seemed laden with goods.

He made his approach...
Successfully knocked Sparky to the ground!
Sparky attempted to roll over and get into a better defensive position, but wasn't quite quick enough.
Now was the moment for Demigod to act.

He attempted to knock out Sparky with a punch to the back of the head, but ended up hitting a shield he was carrying instead.
Then, with some acrobatic-shenanigans, Demigod attempted to kick Sparky but the priest was able to jump up to his feet before the hit could connect.

But, of course, this is when the town guard would happen by and see the scuffle.
Both of them attempted to lie their way out of the situation.
Something about a "friendly sparring match."
The town guard weren't buying it.
So, the two of them were placed into police custody until someone started making sense.

There, they met someone who would forever change their lives.
An old man that was chained in the adjoining cell.
So called because he smelled and looked like he was a chamber pot.

The party soon formed a bond with Chamby, who quickly revealed that he had some magical talent and could easily escape his restraints at will.
Which got the two to thinking about escape.

So, they formulated something of a plan together.
Demigod used some of his magic to telekinetically lift the cell key off a guard.
And quickly the two escaped.
They also let Chamby out.
Because... you know... honor among thieves and all that...

However, it wasn't long before the guard was upon them!
Sparky tripped the sentinel, knocking him out.
Demigod, seeing an opportunity, snatched up the guard's sword.

Then, to help mask their escape, they decided to perform a mass jail break.
Sparky attempted to call upon his god's power to bend the cell bars, but his deity had no interest in this feat.
So, with just the key, they ended up performing the jail break.

Just as they and their fellow mutineers exited the jail, there was a thunderous roar from overhead.


And that's where we ended the session.

While I haven't had any feedback from Demigod's player yet, Sparky had the following to say:
He liked the simplicity of the system and thought that character creation was fun.
He disliked the lack of loot and felt that while combat was balanced, the guards were too easy to take down.
Overall, however, he says he has no major changes he'd suggest at this time.

But, we might have more down the road :)
Until next time, readers, may the dice fall in your favor!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Morning everyone!

Like I said a while back, updates are going to be kind of sparse for now.

However, today I thought I'd share a real treat with everyone.
For the past 10 years or so, I (like many other gamers) have been attempting to create my own completely unique roleplaying game system.
And, for a very long time, I was struggling with getting it just right.

This past year, I decided to really revamp my efforts and dig in to design this game.
The one thing that hasn't changed in that whole time is the name of the game:

Some of the original ideas that I had were to grandiose or complicated to work out.
As such, they were scrapped for a cleaner, simpler game that everyone could enjoy.
However, I tried to salvage as much as I could in a reasonable fashion.

Chronicles is a fantasy roleplaying game that uses mastery as the key mechanic.
Simply stated, it means that better training in a skill actually makes you better with that skill on average.
Your mastery is measured by the size of the dice that you roll when attempting a certain action.

And that's pretty much the key concepts on how to play.

I don't have anything resembling a playtest document ready yet, but plan to have one soon-ish if things pan out nicely for me.
However, I do have some pre-alpha testing that friends of mine and I had accomplished a few weeks ago. I plan on putting up a summary of what happened then, as well as their initial thoughts about the game itself.

So, until next time, stay classy readers :)